A professional designers can do the branding for the product.

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We live in world competitors, To shine out Designer should be unique and know by more people.A brand is what stands behind every successful design. let us see how to make your design as brand


One might think that marketing plan  do the job of branding the design or product. No, it's wrong .

A professional designer can  also do the branding for the product. 


What is Brand?

A brand is unique design that create an  image to  make  people  identify the product by itself.

For example: An apple picture makes people to  identify  the iphone ,ipad Apple.Inc products.

It is the visual representation to make  the customer  easlily remember the product and the company name. To create  the  Brand design , A designer should find the details about business goals and analayze  the product and pick the target audience. 

Brand vs Branding

A logo is  a brand . Branding is  set of steps you take to cultivate that brand .A designer should design for target audience that should be everlast in their mind . 

Things that designer should go through about creating a brand

Know more about Company  aim and brand personality

A brand is visual reprsentation of a company , so designers should reserach the details of the company goals and identify the visual part of the product that should be displayed.

Designers works on the visual part with full knowldege of the company descriptaion. this is same with branding. A designer can ask for more keywords about charcteristics of the company or , ask how they want to display  the company to public.

Some company ask only the brand that to be attractive that will bring more customers to their company.

Design the brand that pulls the customer to know more about the products . It should be simple and have an unique style.

Elements of Brand

Logos is not only repesents the brand it is the one of stage of branding  , there are more attractive design are there like typography, mascots.

Logo design play vital role in the process of branding,  so designers should  pay more attention to the creative process. after complete the logos  designers should start the tests like how will the logo display on the screen , billboards not every design go well with digital screen.  apart from logos designer also design the billboards ,packaging and other advertisement stuff.

How branding works 

For an Example : we have to do branding for the soft drink.

We have  to design  Product  logos ,the bottle design  and its packaging and make an advertisement for the product.

Brand is image of the product . branding is action plan to create the brand.



